The UALG ALLIANCES 2022 project, coordinated by Universidade do Algarve in the framework of the European Programme Erasmus+ – Key Action 1 International Credit Mobility, supports mobility of students and academic and administrative staff from institutions in Portugal and in Partner Countries, in both directions, IN and OUT. 

UALG has developed a roadmap called “UALG ALLIANCES 2022”, targeting to create and develop channels and tools with institutions around the world on our main pillar areas: Tourism, Sea, Cultural Heritage and Health and Wellbeing. The countries considered as a priority are from East and South Asia, North and Latin America, Portuguese-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Through the exchange of staff (teaching and training) and students, this mobility project will promote the international circulation of ideas, improve human capacities, integrate high quality programmes and globally recognized courses, thereby contributing to their internationalization for excellence and transfer expertise.


APPLICATIONS will be open on May 11th!

Please apply from 11th of May till 11th of June 2023!

Applications are to be submitted in English. Before submitting your application, make sure to have all the necessary documents at hand.

Selection Procedures

  1. Before applying, make sure you are eligible for a scholarship, select the appropriate mobility type/ level, and study field, fill in the online application form, upload all necessary documents and submit your application. Outgoing candidates (from Portugal) may select up to three different host institutions. Incoming candidates (from Partner Countries) can choose the University of Algarve only as host institution.
  2. Validation by the home institution regarding the eligibility criteria (curriculum; mobility proposal and language skills).
  3. Evaluation by the home and the host institutions regarding the eligibility criteria (curriculum; mobility proposal and language skills).
  4. Selection of candidates is carried out in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner bearing in mind the following criteria: curriculum; mobility proposal and language skills.
  5. Notification of the award decision. All candidates will be notified about the award decision by email. Selected candidates will have 7 days to accept or reject the grant. Candidates within the reserve list may be notified if the selected candidates refuse or drop out of their scholarships.
  6. Signing of the grant agreement by all selected candidates outlining their rights and obligations as Erasmus+ grantees.

All mobility flows must be finished by the 31st of July 2025.

The UALG ALLIANCES Consortium highly encourages the participation of those who find themselves in a social, economical or political disadvantage, as well as those with any physical disabilities.


Calls for applicants are open! Apply now to win a scholarship



Incoming Applicants

The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising Education, Training, and Youth work. The seven-year programme has a budget of €14.7 billion; a 40% increase compared to current spending levels, reflecting the EU's commitment to investing in these areas.

Erasmus+ will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience and volunteer abroad.

Erasmus+ will support transnational partnerships among Education, Training, and Youth institutions and organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of Education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps we are facing in Europe.

It will also support national efforts to modernise Education, Training, and Youth systems. In the field of Sport, there will be support for grassroots projects and cross-border challenges such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence and racism.

Erasmus+ brings together seven existing EU programmes in the fields of Education, Training, and Youth; it will for the first time provide support for Sport. As an integrated programme, Erasmus+ offers more opportunities for cooperation across the Education, Training, Youth, and Sport sectors and is easier to access than its predecessors, with simplified funding rules.

Study Field Mobility Type Course Name
Social sciences, journalism and information Learner DOCTORATE IN PSYCHOLOGY
Engineering, manufacturing and construction Learner DOCTORATE IN INFORMATICS ENGINEERING
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Learner DOCTORATE IN MATHEMATICS
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Learner DOCTORATE IN MARINE, EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Learner DOCTORATE IN CHEMISTRY
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Learner DOCTORATE IN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Learner DOCTORATE IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES


Universidade do Algarve (PORTUGAL)


Campus de Gambelas, Edifício 5

8005-139 Faro, Portugal

Tel: +351 289 800 003

Mrs. Marleni Azevedo
Universidade do Namibe (ANGOLA)


Farol de Noronha, Moçâmedes

Namibe, Angola

Tel: +00244 931074392


Timóteo Nunes (Director of the Legal and Exchange Office)
University of Ruhuna (SRI LANKA)


Center for International Affairs (CINTA)
University of Ruhuna
Matara, Sri Lanka 81000
Tel : + 94 41 22 27001

Professor Terny Predeep Kumara (Director of Center for Intl Affairs (CINTA))
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UNITED STATES)


1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250,

United States of America

Tel: +1 410 455 1000

Professor António Moreira (Academic Affairs)
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE (BRAZIL)


UFPE - Prédio da Reitoria, 1º andar

Avenida Professor Moraes Rego, 1235 - Cidade Universitária - Recife-PE - Brasil

CEP. 50.670-901

Fone: (55) (81) 2126-8006 | (81) 2126-7021 | (81) 98560-8464 (Whatsapp Business)


Mr Madson Góis Diniz (International Relations Office)
Universidad del Magdalena (COLOMBIA)


Carrera 32 número 22-08 Sector San Pedro Alejandrino

Bloque 6, Primeito Piso, Código Postal Nº 470004

Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia

+57(5) 421 7940 Ext: 2279

Brian Jose Hernandez Obregon (International Relations Office)
Universidade Agostinho Neto (ANGOLA)


Rua do Estádio 11 de Novembro

Município de Belas

Luanda-Sul, Angola

Sabino do Nascimento (International Relations Office)
Universidade Pública de São Tomé e Príncipe (SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE)


Bairro da Quinta de Santo António,

C.P. 5446 São Tomé

 info@ustp Tel:/2223896

Dr Hugulay Albuquerque Maia (Vice-presidente da FCT/USTP Investigação e internacionalização)
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (MOZAMBIQUE)


Campus Universitário Principal
Av. Julius Nyerere, nr. 3453 Maputo, Moçambique

Mr. Luis Joaquim Muchanga (Head of Department of National and International Affairs of the UEM Cooperation Office)




Learner (Student Mobility) Partner Country to Portugal (INcoming ) Portugal to Partner Country (OUTgoing)
Duration 3 months 850 Euros /month 700 Euros/month

Student Mobility is ONLY for PhD students

Staff Mobility (STA | STT)          Partner Country to Portugal (INcoming) | Portugal to Partner Country (OUTgoing)

STA | STT (7 days)                                     160 Euros/day                             180 Euros/day

STA - Academic Staff Mobility | STT - Administrative Staff Mobility



Travel Distances                         Amount

Between 10 and 99 km                20 EUR per participant

Between 100 and 499 km           180 EUR per participant

Between 500 and 1999 km         275 EUR per participant

Between 2000 and 2999 km       360 EUR per participant

Between 3000 and 3999 km       530 EUR per participant

Between 4000 and 7999 km       820 EUR per participant

8000 km or more                        1500 EUR per participant



Every selected applicant will receive a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period provided by the University of Algarve.

UALG Alliances has a total of 26 scholarships:

  • 14 scholarships for students;
  • 12 grants for non-teaching staff.
Partner Country Partner Institution Learner (SMS/SMP) Staff (STA/STT) Total
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
ANGOLA Universidade do Namibe 1 1 1 1 4
Universidade Agostinho Neto
SRI LANKA University of Ruhuna 1 0 1 0 2
UNITED STATES University of Maryland Baltimore County 1 1 1 1 4
JAPAN Japan 1 0 1 0 2
BRAZIL Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE 1 1 1 0 3
COLOMBIA Universidad del Magdalena 1 1 1 0 3
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE Universidade Pública de São Tomé e Príncipe 1 1 1 1 4
MOZAMBIQUE Universidade Eduardo Mondlane 1 1 1 1 4
Total 8 6 8 4 26

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